Pre-registration FIP 2016

This is a pre-registration for the Food Innovation Program. This program is reserved for candidates who are in possession of the following qualifications and access requirements:

  1. Bachelor’s degree​ (minimum 4 years) with an overall B average grade​; may be in any​ related​ field​ with a combination of relevant work experience;
  2. ​Master of Science or higher;
  3. Demonstrate proficiency in English (if applicable). International applicants whose native language is not English must demonstrate English language proficiency.

​Please note, candidates who do not have the following prerequisites may still apply to the Program as auditors.

​If you have any questions about your eligibility, we encourage you to contact us.
The information provided by Candidates will be carefully checked by the competent offices for the purpose of verification of correctness. Candidates are admitted to the selection procedure subject to verification of the aforementioned requirements.

The procedure is in three steps:

  1. Fill out the Pre Admission Form on this website.
    After completing this form, you will be contacted by our Admission Committee to plan the first interview.
  2. After the interview you will receive all the instructions on how to complete the registration process on the University Website and on how to pay the administrative fee of 41€.
  3. Confirm the Admission.

Personal data

First name*

Last name*

Date of Birth*

First Nationality*

Country of residence*



Mobile phone with your country code*

Skype contact



Please provide an URL where we can find your video presentation
presentation video in English (Max. 3 min)

Upload your passport or ID Card (pdf - max: 6Mb)

Upload your english version CV (pdf - max: 6Mb)

Motivation description
How would you describe yourself? (Max. 500 characters)

What are your dreams and ambitions? (Max. 500 characters)

How would you better the world through food? (Max. 500 characters)

What are your entrepreneurial aspirations? (Max. 500 characters)

Why do you want to apply for Food Innovation Program? (Max. 500 characters)

are you interested in scholarship?

how did you hear about us?


* I declare that I have received the information pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and I consent to the treatment of my personal data by the Future Food Institute; I also give my consent pursuant to articles 20, 23 and 26 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 for the treatment of my sensitive data.

(*) Required field

© 2015 Food Innovation Master Degree | © 2014 FUTURE FOOD INSTITUTE