Via Lazzaro Spallanzani, 1, Reggio Emilia
with Soh Kim
Soh Kim is an educator and a researcher of Open Innovation and business models at the Haas School of Business. She is also the co-founder of FOODINNO.ORG, the food hackathon organization solving food-related challenges with industry partners through co-design.
From the Needfinding class at Stanford, she learned that observation is the most powerful concept. She teaches that observation can be applied to solving wicked problems. From in-depth observations in her doctoral research on the creativity and innovation of “Chefs as Designers”, Soh firmly believes that design and innovation can be taught through food, the substance of life.
Her model of the food hackathon accelerates students’ understanding of food design by solving food challenges through collaborative efforts. She is currently expanding her education model to the executive level to help corporations innovate at Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley.
A Reggio Emilia lunedì 9 marzo è partito il Food Innovation Program e nel seguira la sua missione di positiva contaminazione e scambio con il territorio parte anche il progetto “On The Road”. FOOD IS A CONVERSATION è un incontro aperto alla città dove i nostri ospiti condivideranno con imprenditori, ricercatori, innovatori, makers e stakeholders chiave dell’ecosistema locale ricerche, esperienze internazionali e scenari futuri.
Matteo Vignoli Program Director
Sara Roversi Future Food Institute
Francesco Bombardi Direttore dell’Officucina
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